Baby’s musical awakening

Musical awakening: make way for toys and sound pictures

Tsa pele sound pictures are very popular with toddlers. The noises of farm animals, fire engines, police, but also little ditties … tirelessly amuse babies.

Sound toys (xylophones, timpani, mini-drums, etc.) are also very popular with toddlers and provide them with incredible sensory experiences. It is in the repetition of a music or a chorus that they soak up the melody and beat the rhythm!

So do they do… When Baby starts to sing

The songs learned in nursery or at home have a fundamental role because they introduce children to musicality. Around 2 years old, they are able to reproduce a verse, to the delight of Mum and Dad! “Little snail”, “Do you know how to plant cabbage” … all the great classics of the children’s repertoire give them a first musical base. And for good reason, with simple and catchy words, the melody is all the more bonolo ho hopola, even if, let us remember, each child also progresses at his own pace. Some, very gifted for the song, will have a blast singing at the top of their lungs. For others, it will take a little longer …

All in chorus!

At home we can also natefeloa! What family has never turned on the music in the living room and sing with their toddlers? Children are very sensitive to these moments of intense sharing: we dance, we all sing together.

Then come the maternal years, where musical awakening has, here too, a primordial place. Dance, songs … the little ones love these highlights exchange and rhythmic expressions. It would be wrong not to let them benefit from it!

Baby music lessons

Parents, very sensitive to the awakening of their offspring, learn more and more early about the different musical activities for babies. Good news : the choice is more and more wide. If your city has a music conservatory, find out! For little beginners, there is often a course available from 2 years old, called a “musical awakening garden”. Adapted to toddlers, professionals rely on an introduction to music, with discovery of certain instruments. Timpani, maracas, drum… will inevitably be there!

Baby at the piano: the Kaddouch method

Do you know the Kaddouch method? Named after its founder, pianist Robert Kaddouch, international expert in music education, these are piano lessons for babies from… 5 months! Initially, seated on Mum or Dad’s lap, they test the keys of the keyboard and try to reproduce sounds. Little by little, they take a liking to it and appropriate the piano, while waiting to follow more “classic” lessons. Used from a young age, will these little music lovers become young virtuosos? One thing is certain, this early initiation into music can onlyencourage the most gifted to build on their momentum.

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